• For Writers

    Clean Up Your Draft By Eliminating Crutch Words

    Today we’re tackling crutch words.

    A quick and easy editing tip you see all over the internet is to eliminate crutch words like “was”, “had”, and “that” from your writing. These words sneak into your writing and take the place of stronger, more exciting verbs. Basically, they detach the reader from the action of the sentence; eliminating them creates more intimacy and immediacy in your writing.

    After I’ve churned out my first draft, I’ll do a Find-and-Replace in my document that bolds each occurrence of whatever crutch word I’m currently battling: usually was, had, that or just. Then I’ll print the document out, take it outside, and attack, tweaking and snipping and scouring each sentence until I’ve rid myself of as many of these pesky pests as possible.

    Practical Application: The Elimination of “Was”

    In this particular scene I’m showing you today, my mission was to study every instance of “was” in my writing and decide how I could best eliminate it, making my writing clearer and more creative. Setting yourself specific tasks like this can jumpstart creativity during editing sessions: giving yourself a problem to solve, a restriction in which to work in, forces your brain into action. (A great tip for if you’ve been stuck staring at your Word document for hours, idly scrolling, occasionally making vague grunts.)

    Okay. This is the beginning of a chapter in the second book of my fantasy WIP. A supernatural disaster hits the town while my characters are sleeping, trapping them in their dreams; in nightmares of their own creation. It’s rough, and silly, and stop looking at me okay?? Anyway. cracks knuckles


    Charley was dreaming he was back in the bar, dancing with the girl from that night.

    So my MC is having a dream. This sentence is weak, relying on “was” for two of its verbs. Here’s what I replaced it with:


    His dreams took Charley back to the Brew House, into the arms of the woman he’d danced with earlier that evening.

    Easy enough elimination, serviceable for our purposes!

  • Blog,  WIP Wednesday

    “He jogged … but only when the urge struck him to get somewhere very quickly.” Travel in my WIP!

    This week’s WIP Wednesday theme is all about traveling. Here’s the official prompt:

    Unless your WIP takes place in a single room (which, how intense! is your character stuck in that room? Isn’t there a window they could break?? How has this happened?!!) , chances are, your characters are going to be traveling at some point, from some place to the next. Let’s talk about traveling! Share snippets of your characters sloshing through the mud, link us to a Pinterest board of the breezy mountains or smoke-choked cities your characters are footing it through, or post images of the horse-carts, pick-up trucks, or spaceships your characters use for transportation.

    In my fantasy WIP, The Other Side, my characters spend a lot of time on the road. And in forests. And climbing through mountains. And ducking into the occasional underground cave. They’re on an expedition to return a stolen thingamajig, and seem to encounter every possible obstacle along the way.



    Sources for all images can be found through my Pinterest board.

    So, let’s get into it! Snippets that have to do with traveling from my WIP!

  • 3 Tips for Writing a Bookish Character
    Blog,  WIP Wednesday

    3 Tips For Writing a Bookish Character

    3 Tips for Writing a Bookish Character

    I’m afraid I completely forgot to submit to last week’s WIP Wednesday (we’re deep in puppy preparations over here, people. My seven year old golden retriever Riggs should be getting a new baby brother by the end of the week… If you’re wondering what that noise is, it’s probably me, excitedly and incessantly squealing.) So, I thought I would double-up this week and talk about both themes: Characters Who Read, and Characters Who Write.

    I’m definitely guilty of making my characters as bookish as possible. One of my characters is a professional writer (travel books that help explain his encyclopedic knowledge of the WIP’s fantasy world), but I think almost all of my main characters are shown, at some point, with either a book or a pen in their hands. Showing your characters reading or writing can be difficult to fit into your story — after all, a story is about plot and forward momentum, and if your character is taking a break to lounge on the couch with a novel, then they’re not exactly running around saving the world, are they?

    There are ways to put across that your character is delightfully bookish, though, without having to hit pause on your story:

    1. Show That They Own Books, At the Very Least

    One technique I’ve found effective is to slide into the story hints at the characters’ reading habits. For instance, while my main character is snooping around another character’s bedroom, he notices a pile of books:

    He gravitated towards the table cluttered with papers. Many of these were unfurled maps and half-finished correspondence. There were books, too, a guidebook and a mystery novel, and a red leather-bound volume with thick waxy pages that stood out from the rest.

    I’ve also had him root through another character’s bag (he … doesn’t have many boundaries when it comes to personal belongings, I’m realizing as I type this…) and a quick reference there tells us this character also keeps books on them at all times:

    The inside of Ol’s bag was far deeper and wider than it looked from the outside, expanded by some force of nature, or Fog, or Gallifreyan technology at least. Charley shoved aside books and sweaters and cans of green beans. He dug through a layer of boxer shorts; pushed past what must’ve been a dozen sheathed knives […]

    If it doesn’t serve your story, you don’t have to show a character sitting down to read. Showing that they have books in their living space, in their bags, having them hold a book as they walk into a scene, or snap a book closed as another character comes in to talk can all demonstrate to the reader your character’s bookishness without slowing things down.

  • Blog,  WIP Wednesday

    Nibbles & Nosh: Descriptions of Food in my WIP

    I talk about food A LOT in my WIP. Food is one of my favorite aspects of writing, and especially in writing fantasy, for so many reasons. Incorporating food into your writing lets you:

    1. Feed and energize your characters, explaining how and why they can go on so many strenuous adventures or spend so much time running for their lives
    2. Write succulent, drool-producing, stomach-growlingly vibrant descriptions of scrumptious feasts.
    3. Deepen your characters. How your characters interact with food can add so much characterization. What are their favorite eats? Are there foods they avoid for specific, painful reasons? Do they squirrel away uneaten food to save for later? Do they gorge themselves at every meal because they don’t know when the next one is coming?
    4. Worldbuild. You can add so much depth and life to your fantasy world, especially, through its food. How and when do people sit down for meals? Does every area or culture eat something different? Do they eat over campfires? Do they feast on dragon meat? Do they live in the trees and eat roast birds and mashed acorns?

    On that last point, if you want to read a really cool examination of food and culture in Harry Potter: Butterbeer, Cauldron Cakes, and Fizzing Whizzbees: Food in J.K. Rowling ‘s Harry Potter series is a fantastic dissertation on the topic.

    Anyway, let’s get down to it. This week’s WIP Wednesday is all about Food, Glorious Food, and it’s a chance to share scrumptious snippets from our works in progress. The link-up is here if anyone would like to join in!

    Descriptions of Food In My WIP

    Cakes chocolate drizzle WIP quote


    Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 11.34.11 AM


      Pears and WIP quote


    Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 12.19.37 PM

    Are you hungry yet? I am! What are some of your favorite fictional foods? If you’re a writer, do you ever have your characters snack, or feast, or guzzle, or engorge themselves? Consider joining the WIP Wednesday link-up and post your favorite snippets of food in your stories!