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    Happy Reading & Writing in 2020

    Hey, everyone!

    Long time, no blog. I wish I had a better excuse than “the world is being particularly soul-sucking and it’s difficult to concentrate on fun things like reading & writing blogs when with every Twitter refresh the globe slips more and more into chaos and fascism” but such is the life in which we live.

    :: nervous laughter::

    I can tell you a little bit about what I’ve been up to in the last few months, though!

    My First Amendment Pendant Banner on my TPT Store!

    I started a TPT store!
    Teachers Pay Teachers is a website where teachers and teacher-authors can sell the curriculum, worksheets, activities, presentations, lessons, class decorations, clip art, and whatever else they make for the classroom. Since I’ve been helping my mom, a 7th Grade Civics Teacher, out with her lessons the last couple years, I decided to start selling some of the products I’ve been making — and it’s going really well! Right now, I’m focusing on getting a full year of Civics curriculum up on my store (Happy Teacher Resources), but I hope to branch out into more American History, Literature, and Creative Writing resources soon!

    If you have a Teachers Pay Teachers account, give me a follow! You should also follow my @HappyTeacherTPT Instagram — I post lots of pictures of the new products on here!