Submission Opportunities for Writers
For Writers

Submission Opportunities for Writers

Submission Opportunities for Writers

I’ve been trawling the internets lately on the search for places to submit writing — from poems to flash fiction to short stories and non fiction essays — and I’ve amassed an unruly pile of links. I think it’s best to compile these opportunities in one spot, for everyone to benefit from! This list is by no means exhaustive, but should be a good jumping off point. If you’re a writer looking to get your writing out there, add publication credits to your CV, and potentially get paid a few bucks here and there (some of these sites pay for work, many don’t), check out some of these options:

*some sites are on here multiple times, under each category of work they accept. 

Short Stories

Alexandria Quarterly Unpublished fiction up to 1,000 words.

Analog Science Fiction and Fact accepts short science fiction stories up to 4,000 words.

Asimov’s is looking for science fiction over 1,000 words and under 20,000.

Apex Magazine for scifi, fantasy, and horror up to 7,500 words.

Bodega Magazine Up to 3,000 words.

Boulevard Magazine accepts works up to 8,000 words. No scifi, horror, children’s, etc.

Clarkesworld Science Fiction/Fantasy short stories of up to 16,000 words.

Columbia Journal Submit short stories up to 7500 words.

Contrary Magazine Under 1,500 words.

Crack the Spine Short stories under 5,000 words.

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination accepts unpublished short scifi/fantasy fiction up to 3,000 words and reprints of any length.

The Fem Lit Magazine Submit stories of up to 4,000 words on a feminist theme.

Foliate Oak Short stories under 2,700 words.

Harper’s Magazine accepts fiction submissions.

Hobart Pulp Accepts short fiction of under 2,000 words. (Prefers under 1,000.)

Hypertrophic Press Submit up to 3 stories equaling 10,000 words.

Kenyon Review has one reading period a year and accepts stories up to 7,500 words.

Little Fiction Big Truths Unpublished short stories between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Moonsick Magazine Stories between 5 and 3,000 words, written by female-identified and non-binary people.

Narrative Magazine Accepts short stories of 500 to 2,000 words and fiction of 2,000 to 15,000 words.

New England Review is looking for short fiction up to 20,000 words.

The New Yorker Accepts short fiction submissions.

Ploughshares Emerson College Literary Journal.

Sanitarium Magazine for horror fiction up to 10,000 words.

Tin House has two reading periods for stories up to 10,000 words on a given theme.

Toasted Cheese Short fiction up to 5,000 words.

Uncanny Magazine is looking for science fiction/fantasy between 750 and 6,000 words.

VQR accepts short fiction from 2,000 to 8,000 words. Not interested in romance or genre.


Alexandria Quarterly 2-5 previously unpublished poems per submission.

Bodega Magazine Up to 5 poems.

Boulevard Magazine accepts poems up to 200 lines, max of 5 poems at a time.

Columbia Journal Submit up to 5 pages of poetry.

Contrary Magazine Prose poems.

Crack the Spine Looking for poetry that “sings”.

The Fem Lit Magazine Submit up to 5 poems, not exceeding 10 pages, on a feminist theme.

Foliate Oak No more than 3 poems. Begrudges rhyming.

Hobart Pulp Wants “poetry from the margins.” 3-5 poems, previously unpublished.

Hypertrophic Press Submit up to 10 poems equaling 5,000 words.

Literary Orphans Up to 3 unconventional poems per submission.

Moonsick Magazine Up to three poems, no haikus, written by female-identified and non-binary people.

Narrative Magazine Accepts up to five poems in a single submission.

New England Review accepts up to six poems.

The New Yorker Up to 6 poems per submission.

Poetry Foundation accepts regular and visual poems.

Rattle Send up to four poems at a time.

Short, Fast, and Deadly Accepts poetry of under 50 words.

Toasted Cheese Up to 5 poems.

Vagabond City Lit Submit up to 5 poems.

VQR accepts poems of any length.

Nonfiction Essays

Aeon Essays under 2000 words, Ideas 750-2000 words. Pitch first.

Alexandria Quarterly Creative nonfiction, essays, and excerpts of longer work in any style or theme.

Bodega Magazine Up to 3,000 words.

Columbia Journal Submit essays/creative nonfiction up to 7500 words.

Contrary Magazine Commentary, as in lyrical, narrative, poetic essays.

Crack the Spine Accepts essays under 2,000 words.

Foliate Oak Creative Nonfiction under 2,700 words.

The Fem Lit Magazine Accepts personal essays (up to 4,000 words) and creative flash nonfiction (up to 80o words) on a feminist theme.

Little Fiction Big Truths Previously unpublished essays between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Literary Orphans Accepts articles of “powerful prose” under 5,000 words.

McSweeny’s printed Quarterly accepts both fiction and nonfiction pieces, and its web submissions are looking for short pieces of conceptual humor.

Moonsick Magazine Essays, interviews, reviews under 3000 words and written by female-identified and non-binary people.

PANK accepts blog content of creative, lyrical, off-beat posts about unexpected topics.

Rumpus Accepts finished essays on a wide range of interesting topics, from book reviews to interviews to pop culture.

Toasted Cheese Creative Nonfiction of up to 5,000 words. Pitch essays, reaction posts, list ideas on the topics of YA literature, science, SF/F, gaming, etc. of 1,000-2,000 words.

Vagabond City Lit Submit up to 5 essays.

VQR accepts nonfiction from 3,500 to 9,000 words on such topics as literary criticism, political analysis, and travel essays.

Flash Fiction

100 Word Story Submit stories of exactly 100 words.

Alexandria Quarterly Looking for unpublished fiction up to 1000 words.

Contrary Magazine Under 1,500 words.

Crack the Spine Accepts flash fiction under 1,000 words and micro fiction under 100 words.

The Fem Lit Magazine Accepts feminist flash fiction of under 800 words.

Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine Accepts fiction of no more than 350 words. (Including the title.) May submit up to 4 stories at a time.

Foliate Oak Flash fiction under 1,000 words.

Hobart Pulp Up to 3 stories of under 400 words apiece.

Literary Orphans 2,000 words or under, 1,500 preferred.

NANO Fiction Accepts short fiction for twice a year publications, on a set theme.

Oblong Accepts fiction under 1,000 words.

Short, Fast, and Deadly Accepts prose under 250 words.

Smokelong Flash fiction up to 1,000 words. One previously unpublished short story at a time.

Toasted Cheese Flash fiction of up to 500 words.

Vestal has two reading periods and accepts flash up to 500 words.

See also: 46 Literary Magazines To Submit To and Write Habit: Literary Journals for more exhaustive lists.

wipes sweat off forehead WHEW. That’s a lot of possibilities. And I know I’ve hardly scratched the surface. Know of any more sites accepting submissions? Help your fellow writers out and share the links in the comments below!

Also, if you’re a writer looking to connect with other writers, consider joining WIP Wednesday, a weekly blogging link up for writers to gush over their WIPs!

Work in Progress Wednesday Blog Link Up for Writers

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Christina is an aspiring novelist, who wanted to create a safe, fun place to share advice, inspiration, and motivation with other writers!


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